iOlabs Moisturmeter calculates the exact percentage of moisture on all aggregates such as sand. The MicroWaves Technology eliminates any mistake during calculations and guarandes Relible Calculations.
iOlabs Moisturmeter uses digital Technology and cab be easily setted up and calibrated. Its Installation in any type of silo is very easy and can be used either compined with a digital indicator, or directly connected to the Automation System.
Parts Shipped in the Box.
- Connection Cable
- Connections Box and necessary
- Montage gasket
- 0,1 to 0,25 % accuracy depending on the material type
- 4-20mA or 0-10V Analog Output and RS232.
- Calibration by using RS232/RS485 connection.
- Multiple Calibrations for more than one Materials in the same silo with the same sensor.
- 5 year sealing guarrandy.
- Water Resist Sealing.
- Easy Installation
- Software Based Calculating system.
- Guaranteed By iOlabs