New Online Concrete Dispatch Management System powered by iOLABS


IOLABS with tremendous experience in the field of concrete production, and following the latest technological developments, created a new Online Concrete Dispatch System, iConcrete DMS.

iConcrete DMS provides a user-friendly and fully customizable online business environment for easy management of concrete delivery notes fully harmonized with the new World Concrete Technology Regulations and their requirements regarding concrete  production and transport.

Combined with the immense technological innovations of iConcrete  Automation system, iOLABS provides a complete package for every concrete production company.

iConcrete DMS supports:

  • Customers Management
  • Project management
  • Vehicle Management
  • Managing Produced Species
  • Orders Management
  • Issue & Management of Concrete Shipment.

iConcrete DMS can connect to any Accounting Package and draw or provide it with all the necessary information for the operation of the business.

Automation Upgrade with iConcrete for Larsinos SA Batching Plant at Faliro Bay Renovation Works

IOLABS, with continued presence in all major projects in Greece, upgraded Larsinos’ concrete production unit in Faliro with the most advanced automation of concrete production, iConcrete .


Weighbridge Management System - iBridge

iOlabs provides you the most Integrated Solution for your WeightBridge Management, without the need of a system operator, by using RFID Technoology.

What does iBridge support?

  • Precision Weighing & Speed Weighing
  • First and second Weighing based Record Print
  • One weighing (based on Vehicle Tare) Record Print
  • Weighing Notes Reprint.
  • Unlimited Database Records
  • Unlimited Reports Support
  • Packaging Vehicles and weighing records under tare
  • Customizable on any weighbridge
  • Vehicles Management
  • Raw materials and delivery notes Management
  • Links to Software Package (ERP) for Data import
  • User Support Access Licenses
  • Modern and User Friendly Design Interface
  • Rich and Configurable Reports
  • Calibration with 2 Steps
  • Easy Setup
  • Traffic lights / Traffic bars support
  • RFID vehicle recognition
  • Led announcement / Notification tables
  • External commands support (Remote control Usage)

iBridge Benefits:

Accuracy: Using sophisticated Controllers that support thousands of samples per second, Modern class C3 Weighing systems, and new sampling methods, iBridge succeeds on achieving maximum accuracy in weighing.

Speed: The use of new generation Controllers and new sampling techniques result in a maximum data rate management.

Installation and Operation in 2 hours: Any Installation or Upgrade of the iBridge System can be completed in 1 2 hours, including the operations on the electrical panel, because of the system configuration convenience.

Unlimited Database Records: iBridge is supported by a Database that can handle millions of records without having any Performance issues. This means that there is no need to backup old records, or have any issues about history logs, as iBridge can keep an endless logs History.

Unlimited Reports Support: iBridge supports thousands of reports so as to help the company have a clear view about their business. System has a basic package of reports, but it can easily create any type of report company may need.

Easy Setup and Configuration: All operating settings on iBridge are accessible to the user, so as to be able to parameterize the weighbridge with ease. Even Weighbridge calibration can be simply done in 2 steps, without the necessity of a technician.

Security and Reliability: iBridge supports access control and passwords for each user. It also provides Backup/Restore Security settings, whether scheduled or when the user wishes, which ensures safety against any data loss.

Vehicle Management: iBridge supports Full Management and log data for any vehicle providing a wealth of information to the user about them.

Raw Materials Management: iBridge is an intelligent and well designed management and control tool so as to have a clear view about all the movement of raw materials and the consignment note accompanying these movements.

Modern and fully adjustable weight list: iBridge supports weighing records with Modern Design and adjustable way of how the Client wishes data to appear on it.

Multi Language Support: iBridge is translated in many languages and is designed so that it can be translated in any language directly and quickly.

The System Includes:

  • Industrial Specifications Electical Panel(Ι P 55) that includes the weighting terminals, the Automation cabling, the RfID Reader and the Communication with the main Computer Controllers.
  • Detailed Weight Notes Laser Printer
  • Traffic Lights and Access Bars for the Vehicles Management as far as sensors for their exact Locating on the Weightbridge.
  • The Operation and Management Software.
  • Reporting
  • Online Connections with Accounting Softwareor ERP Systems
  • Access Control System.
  • Backup and Quick Restore System.