iOlabs announces the completion of work on the upgrade of all existing commercial concrete production units of the LARSINOS SA company with the new iConcrete automation system powered by iOlabs.
The upgrade process was completed in two parallel phases by the specialized iOlabs technical department technicians and the LARSINOS SA technical & IT departments.
Automation Systems Upgrade Phase included the upgrading of all existing automation systems in each LARSINOS SA commercial concrete plant . The average time for installation and configuration of iConcrete, and for modifications in the control panel of each machinery, not surpassed 1 day including pilot produces and training of machinery operators.
View more about iConcrete
Interface phase of automation systems to the LARSINOS SA central accounting system (ERP),was implemented through the RDS system created by iOlabs for this purpose. The RDS system supports real time collection of all data for productions and consumptions and transfer them to the LARSINOS SA central accounting system (ERP), through which the company issues Delivery notes for all company units.
Upon completion of both phases , the experienced LARSINOS SA executives and iOlabs Technical team customised automation systems, and the RDS system to meet every need of the production units.
We, in iOlabs would like to thank all involved directors of departments, technicians and operators of the company LARSINOS SA as well as the specialized technical personnel of our company for the completion of a huge project in such a small timeframe!!
CEO iOlabs S.A.