Download iConcrete Online Demo

Now iOLABS enables you to download the iConcrete  – Concrete Production Automation System Demo and discover all the incredible features it provides at this site:

Demo needs a good internet connection, since it is installed in our company’s cloud, and is fully functional.

Indicatively, some of the companies that use our Automation are:

  • NIKOS V.L.T.

You can also watch video in our automation mode at, at our company website, and at IOLABS’s Social Media (facebook, LinkedIn, twitter )


New Online Concrete Dispatch Management System powered by iOLABS


IOLABS with tremendous experience in the field of concrete production, and following the latest technological developments, created a new Online Concrete Dispatch System, iConcrete DMS.

iConcrete DMS provides a user-friendly and fully customizable online business environment for easy management of concrete delivery notes fully harmonized with the new World Concrete Technology Regulations and their requirements regarding concrete  production and transport.

Combined with the immense technological innovations of iConcrete  Automation system, iOLABS provides a complete package for every concrete production company.

iConcrete DMS supports:

  • Customers Management
  • Project management
  • Vehicle Management
  • Managing Produced Species
  • Orders Management
  • Issue & Management of Concrete Shipment.

iConcrete DMS can connect to any Accounting Package and draw or provide it with all the necessary information for the operation of the business.

Automation Upgrade with iConcrete for Larsinos SA Batching Plant at Faliro Bay Renovation Works

IOLABS, with continued presence in all major projects in Greece, upgraded Larsinos’ concrete production unit in Faliro with the most advanced automation of concrete production, iConcrete .


Moisture Meters - Hydrometers

iOlabs Moisturmeter calculates the exact percentage of moisture on all aggregates such as sand. The MicroWaves Technology eliminates any mistake during calculations and guarandes Relible Calculations.

iOlabs Moisturmeter uses digital Technology and cab be easily setted up and calibrated. Its Installation in any type of silo is very easy and can be used either compined with a digital indicator, or directly connected to the Automation System.

Parts Shipped in the Box.

  • Connection Cable
  • Connections Box and necessary
  • Montage gasket


  • 0,1 to 0,25 % accuracy depending on the material type
  • 4-20mA or 0-10V Analog Output  and   RS232.
  • Calibration  by  using  RS232/RS485 connection.
  • Multiple Calibrations for more than one Materials in the same silo with the same sensor.
  • 5 year sealing guarrandy.
  • Water Resist Sealing.
  • Easy Installation
  • Software Based Calculating system.
  • Guaranteed By iOlabs

Aggregate Preloading Management System - iLoading

iLoading is a Concrete Production – cement products Automation System by iOlabs. It is an application designed in a way to give user the ability to exploit the maximum capabilities of his plant very easily. It’s been developed after a long and detailed analysis and it is designed to be perfect parameterized and easy to use.

Technical Characteristics

One of iLoading innovative introducing elements in Automation Systems field is technology which the application has been based on.
iLoading is been built upon a data base which keeps all the necessary information about system s structure, its operation and information regarding productions and consumption.

iLoading Working environment is based on the Database which it is designed to be easy in use absolute functional and gets away from standards automation systems while its environment is strictly in windows.

iLoading Operating Philosophy is based on the following States of Operation.

Automatic:  When the system status is automatic, the operator has only the responsibility to select the storage silo he wants to fill. The System automatically will switch on all the essential parts of the machinery in order to fill the silo with material.

Manual: By switching to manual mode , the operator can manage every part of the Preload Machinery by clicking and switching on them. All te Security Interlocks are working as in automatic mode, eliminating any case of malfunction or bad operation.

Maintenance: This operation Mode allows the operator to  switch on or of every part of the Machinery, by disabling the main system Interlocks. This helps the system operator to clear any malfunction issues easily and quickly.



Concrete Production Management System iCIS

iCIS covers every Management need for a Concrete Production Industry  by Organising all the necessary Information and presenting them to Reports and Charts of any type.

iCIS can Manage more than one Automation Systems and many Production Units, providing to you a full Controll of your Company.

Modern Development Tools:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio.Net .
  • Microsoft SQL Server .

Modern, Genious Flexible Design:

  • Can Be fully Adaptable to the Customer  demands  (Reports – Vouchers).
  • Adaptable at Any Concrete Production Industry.


  • Ethernet TCP IP (speed, reliability, flexibility).
  • Internet VPN for a full remote Management  and Operation.
  • MultiUser support

System Operation:

  • Tablet PC’s
  • Smartphones
  • Cell phones via SMS GPRS or 3 G

User Friendly Environment based on Modern  Design

Security– Reliability:

  • Full User Access Control with access Licensing System
  • System Backup and System Restore Easy System


Concrete Production Automation System - iConcrete

Discover more about iConcrete on iConcrete Website

iConcrete is the new industrial Automation for Concrete production, Cement Products & Ready Mix Industries.

iConcrete is based on new iOlabs innovative processing techniques like LEMS (Less Electronics More Stability), ATS (Auto Tuning System) , SCS (Self Care System) and supports any new technology Ethernet Controllers which provide reliability, speed and accuracy to the system.

iConcrete comes with a new modern Animated design, an easy friendly environment which provides a more sophisticated and clear view to its operator about all machinery operations.

The only one adaptable Automation System at any Batching Plant: iOlabs has created the only one fully adaptable Batching Plant Machinery Automation System, which is fully parameterized and supports any type of Machinery.

Auto Tuning System: iConcrete is the only automation system which during operation checks and corrects system settings to optimize speed and accuracy depending on the behavior of the machine and materials.

Self Care System: iConcrete automatically takes care to inform operator and proceed to any scheduled maintenance job defined by the operator.

Rapid Installation: Any Installation or System Update of iConcrete can be finished in one or two days, including all the needed work for the electrical panel transformation due to the system easy setup.

Automatic System Operation: By using modern techniques such as Software-Based Interlocks, iConcrete is able to Operate Automatically, controlling your machinery and securing the operators in special cases by shutting down any part that has a failure or bad operation.

Manual and Maintenance Operation: iConcrete allows the operators to take full Control of his Machinery by switching it to Manual mode. It also allows operators to bypass important Machinery failure or malfunctioning so easy, because it is the only Automation System that supports Maintenance Operation.

Modern Animated Design: iConcrete uses elegant Animated Graphics and provides a complete view of the Machinery parts (Mixer, Scales, Storages Belts, AmperMeters, VoltMeters, etc) so operator can have the “Big Picture” and control of his industrial plant.

Quick storage switch: With iConcrete you can easily switch between material storages during Production process. This makes your production process quicker, as you can pick material from a storage that already has material inside and continue your production without waiting to fill the empty one.

2 steps scales Calibration: you can easily calibrate your machinery scales without the need of a specialized technician. In just 2 steps.

Settings & Parameters: Machinery parameters can easily be changed via iConcrete Settings Panel. Every operator is able to proceed to Analog Calibration of Scales without any technician assistance.

Production Speed and Data Accuracy: Using sophisticated automation techniques and innovative sampling & filtering methods, iConcrete manages to achieve maximum accuracy and speed during production.

Συμβατό με το νέο κανονισμό Τεχνολογίας Σκυροδέματος και τα διεθνή πρότυπα: Το iConcrete είναι συμβατό με το νέο Κανονισμό Τεχνολογίας Σκυροδέματος (Κ.Τ.Σ.).

Security and Reliability: iConcrete supports access Controls and rights, access codes for every one of its users. It also supports System Backup processes not only time scheduled, but also at any time the user wants to.

Wireless Operation: iConcrete is the only Automation System that can manage your Machinery Wireless from any point of your Plant by using a small Tablet PC.

International Standards Compliance: iConcrete is compliant with all International Concrete Standards.iConcrete is compliant with all International Concrete Standards.

Multilingual Support: iConcrete is already translated to many Languages and it is designed in order to be translated quickly to any Language.